




我大学的第一年有时很艰难,因为我试图和朋友们交谈 围绕社会公正问题,鼓励他们批判性地思考自己的问题 与他们的种族、阶级、性别或性取向有关的社会地位. 我觉得我没有合适的场所来表达我对歧视的不满, 无知或未被承认的特权,所以我尽快报名参加了“种族与 到第二年春天的时候,我开始与人合作组织我自己的种族对话课程,专注于 论多种族认同. The experience was unbelievably powerful, and for the rest 在火博体育的职业生涯中,我一直在寻找各种方法来保持与团队间关系的联系 程序.

同年,我开始在学生多样性项目办公室工作,提供帮助 为了提高人们对社会公正问题的认识,并成为了一名学生助理 Kristie 为d (associate professor of sociology and director of IGR), helping with research that related to the successes of the program. 大四的时候我想 give back and signed up to become the peer mentor for the Scribner Seminar course 奥巴马时代的种族问题." Although I wasn’t positive where exactly I wanted to go in 生活,我在大学二年级的时候作为合作促进者,然后作为我的导师 大四让我开始追求教育.

目前,我是火博体育招生办公室的一名助理主任,专注于 多元文化招聘与规划. 作为招生顾问,我会伸出援手 to all students but try to focus primarily on those students who have not had the 在了解如何驾驭高等教育方面给予适当的支持、指导或特权 录取过程. It was through IGR that I came to learn about the structures of 现在对体制歧视和教育有了更好的认识 制度及其不公平. The 群际关系 程序 also taught me the value 有效的沟通以及如何成功地接触到那些学生 可能会把我看成“他者”吗.” It is ultimately because of IGR that I am able to identify my own issues with my work in higher education and inspire me to look further into how I can become a better 社会正义倡导者.


I'm currently working for a transitional shelter in Manhattan that is designed to assist 43 women who are homeless, addicted and diagnosed with a mental illness. I 作为双语案例经理,为我自己的一些客户提供直接服务 in hopes of empowering them and help place them into permanent supportive housing. 我对女性生理健康和心理健康的交叉领域特别感兴趣 健康.

I am also obtaining a master's in social work in the evenings. 我很幸运 to be awarded a full scholarship by the Department of Mental Health and Hygiene. I hope to continue working within the mental 健康 field upon graduation. 我的特权 to be working and growing from my peers, faculty, experiences and case management.

The 群际关系 程序 exposed me to a lot of themes and/or bias (i.e的结构 inequality) that are central to the work I'm doing. 我要感谢这个项目 加强我的沟通技巧,自我意识和最终我的持续承诺 为了社会公正.



维多利亚·马拉尼获得了B.A. cum laude in 英语-西班牙语 and minored in dance and Latin American studies from 火博体育大学. At Skidmore, Victoria was peer-facilitator 团体间关系项目. After college, Victoria enrolled in the national 社区服务项目,奥尔巴尼的美国服务队VISTA(志愿服务于美国), N.Y. During her first year as an AmeriCorps VISTA, she worked at Catholic Charities 并为即将到来的女性制定了一项重返社会辅导计划 out of incarceration in Rensselaer County, N.Y.

维多利亚承诺第二年为国家服务,作为美国服务队的一员与贫困作斗争 在锡耶纳学院学术社区参与办公室的VISTA领导,在那里 she served as the coordinator for training and enrichment. 维多利亚是个热情的 社会正义倡导者. Currently, she is a fellow in the Office of Student Diversity 在那里,她担任办公室和学生多样性之间的联络人 俱乐部,收集和组织过去和现在多样性的机构记忆 initiatives, co-facilitates the multiracial student and transracial adoptee focus group and motivates all Skidmore students to be active in social justice issues. 为 更多火博体育学生多样性项目办公室(OSDP)的信息,请访问 网站: 火博体育.edu/osdp/.



As a sociology major I found that my research largely focused on conflicts across 小组间关系项目提供了一个绝佳的机会 for me to bridge my intellectual and personal interests through dialogue. 我的高级 年,我共同推动了白人种族身份对话,并重申了我的承诺 为了社会公正.

After graduating from Skidmore in 2009, I moved to Philadelphia to join Teach for 并进入宾夕法尼亚大学教育研究生院学习. 在过去的两年里,我在一个以非洲为中心的中学担任语言艺术老师 charter school in North Philadelphia, and had the great privilege and opportunity to work directly with more than 200 students and families from all corners of the 城市. In all of the work I did, both academically and professionally, I know that IGR是我成功的基础. As an intergroup relations facilitator I learned 思考,提问和倾听的方式深刻地影响了我作为一个 教育家. As a classroom teacher in an urban school, I found that my IGR training 给了我力量、激情和冷静的心态,让我每天都能有条不紊地重新集中精力 我可以把我的一切都给我的学生.

在离开享有特权的生活进入充满挑战的环境后,我知道团队之间 人际关系教会了我如何跨越差异,带着同理心和不知疲倦地倾听 争取公平. With my students I made space in the classroom to talk about issues of identity, be they about race, gender, religion, sexuality and/or class. 通过 尤其是写作,我努力确保我所有的学生都有机会 让他们的声音被听到. 为了我的硕士论文, The Skin We’re In: Untapping Potential in One All Girls Classroom, I conducted practitioner inquiry to explore what happened when I challenged the 课堂上的动力让我们共同教学,共同学习,共同创造 课程. I found that in listening to dissent, a skill I began to develop as an IGR facilitator, I was able to capitalize on the potential within my classroom to both increase the literacy and the humanity of my students. 我知道我的工作 intergroup relations will continue to motivate the work that I do in the future.


从2013年第一届团体间关系辅修班毕业以来,我一直 在哈莱姆儿童区担任学生倡导者和大学入学顾问. 在这个角色中,我与一群有才华的高中生建立了目标 确保他们的学业成功. On any given day you can find me performing a range 帮助我的学生成长的任务,包括在学校会议上代表他们, 提供辅导和接触机会,协助学业和提供 guidance through the college application process. 虽然这些任务变得很忙, my IGR journey has fueled a desire within me to reverse the systemic inequalities I see within my sphere of influence and beyond.
完成IGR流程为我的职业生涯带来了许多成功 个人生活. IGR's dialogue facilitation skills have allowed me to have many productive and thought provoking conversations about social identity and activism. PASK (passion, awareness, skills, and knowledge) is still a relevant motto that I apply to my all of my relationships in hopes of collaborating for social change.



当你倾听的时候,获得经验和学习的机会是无限的 你周围世界的脉搏. As a student at Skidmore, my way to connect with the pulse of that world was through research and campus activism. 我为教授工作 福特担任了两年的学生研究助理在小组关系项目中 and stood among the first group of students to graduate with a minor in IGR. 被 参与社区和IGR让我与我的诚实建立了更深的联系 声音也教会了我如何在各种情况下平衡地表达自己, which has been immensely beneficial in my life as a graduate.

毕业几个月后,我决定追求一种不同形式的教育 这涉及到我最大的爱好:旅行. I organized my first solo travel exploration, 这次为期五个月的美国之旅.S. and East Asia visiting family and friends around 世界. I traversed the United States, crossed the majestic Pacific Ocean, became 他是越南的一名认证瑜伽教练,在北京待了五周,与他进行了交流 他曾是韩国的旅伴,看到朋友们在火博体育毕业,然后又回来了 home ready to get clear on what I wanted to do next.

我决定开始自己的珠宝生意,以便为我的创作激情提供空间 while also learning how to work for myself. I am continuing to grow my business, Muktih 创作珠宝设计,还在当地一所艺术高中担任协调员 for a grant-funded extended day arts program. 最重要的是,我学会了如何去做 在我的家庭生活中保持同样的激情和活力,这是很容易培养的 at Skidmore, and this has made all the difference as I build 世界 that calls 从我的梦中.