


在ir senior year, all 英语 majors must engage in a coda experience that synthesizes 并回顾本专业已经完成的工作. 这种结尾体验需要 the form of a sustained piece of written work such as a research paper or a creative project that challenges students to go beyond previous levels of accomplishment. 目标 本项目包括以下内容:

  • 学习计划和组织项目
  • 学习在项目的各个阶段独立工作
  • Demonstrating awareness of the wider critical or artistic context that informs the 正在完成的项目
  • Writing prose, poetry, or literary scholarship with increased technical sophistication in handling the conventions and in under站 and achieving the writer’s goals.

The coda requirement is satisfied in most cases by one of the following classes:

  • en375文学研究高级研讨会
  • EN 381高级写作项目

Some seniors may elect to fulfill the coda requirement by working independently with 项目或论文主任:

  • EN 376高级项目
  • EN 389,390毕业论文 


A seminar in which students explore a topic, author, or text while progressing through 写一篇20-25页的研究论文的几个阶段. 个人共同讨论 projects and reading of published scholarship emphasize research as a process of shared 调查. 学生可以在四个主题中选择,两个在秋季提供,两个在秋季提供 他们高三的春天. 研讨会的主题将于春季公布 他们的大三. 高级研修班只限英语专业高年级学生参加. 可以重复 一次是在系主任允许的情况下.

EN 376高级项目

Senior Projects offer students an opportunity to work independently, with the guidance of a faculty supervisor, on a project that does not fall under the parameters of Senior Seminar (EN 375), Senior Thesis (EN 389, 390), or Advanced Projects in Writing (EN 381). Such projects might include a “hybrid” work, “hybrid” in its mixing of genres (e.g., a project that combines memoir with a research-based analytical piece or poetry 和短篇小说)或媒体(如.g.这是一个涉及文字和音乐的项目, film, or art); a translation project; an interdisciplinary or applied learning project, 等等....... 学生必须在注册EN之前找到一名项目主管 376人在他们大四的秋天或春天. 可以重复一次学分吗.

先决条件: completion of the Introductory requirement, permission of the Department, and senior-class 站.

EN 381:高级写作项目

Advanced Projects in Writing offers to serious creative writing students an opportunity to produce a significant piece of fiction, poetry, or nonfiction—a novella, for example, 或者是短篇的集合. 高级写作项目结合了小组经验 一个有个人会议经验的工作坊. 这门课很典型 requires weekly group meetings in workshop format and individual meetings at least 每两周一次. 学生必须完成一个相应的高级讲习班 genre (EN 378 Nonfiction, EN 379 Poetry, EN 380 Fiction) before enrolling in EN 381. Taking EN 377 in the appropriate genre before enrolling in 381 is highly recommended, 但不是必需的.

EN 389,390毕业论文

This coda option offers students a carefully sequenced period of reading, writing, 复习要持续两个学期. 学生不能报名参加en390没有 first completing EN 389 or its equivalent preparation in one or more 300-level courses. The decision to identify an equivalent for EN 389 is made by the student and the thesis 顾问.

All theses must show evidence of research, thoroughness, co在这里nce, and depth of perception. The finished paper must be at least 40 pages, excluding end notes and a bibliography. Students identify a workable thesis topic and plan for research and writing with the 论文主任的指导. 有兴趣完成结语要求的学生 through a senior thesis should find a thesis director by the end of 他们的大三. 未来的论文主任应该在那个时候看到一份书面提案. 在 first week of classes, the student and supervisor may revise the proposal and will plan a detailed schedule of the semester’s work; the student registers for EN 389 Preparation for Senior Thesis (or its equivalent) in the fall and EN 390 Senior Thesis 在春天. 

院系荣誉(另见 荣誉)

To qualify for departmental honors in 英语, a senior must complete a coda paper, project, or thesis of the appropriate length that merits a grade of A or A+. 此外, 学生的平均绩点必须在3分以上.专业5分,专业3分.0后总体0 在火博体育不到三个学期.

All students will submit their final projects one week before the last day of class. Students who receive an A or A+ qualify for departmental honors and are required to participate in a coda conference with 导师和另一位教员的阅读者. Students working on a senior thesis or senior project must find a second reader themselves; students in the senior seminars (EN 375 and 381) will be assigned second readers by 该系系主任与研讨会讲师协商. 第二个 教师阅卷不帮助决定最终成绩. 获得荣誉的工作 will be uploaded to Skidmore's institutional repository "Creative Matter" to be preserved 按部门划分.

In order to qualify for departmental honors or distinction (see below), work must 符合以下页面长度:

  • Senior Seminar paper: 20–25 pages, excluding end notes, bibliography, or supplementary 材料
  • 高级写作项目:20-40页,取决于类型
  • Senior Thesis: 40 pages, excluding end notes, bibliography, and supplementary 材料
  • Senior Project: 20–25 pages, excluding end notes, bibliography, or supplementary 材料  


  • A fall Senior Seminar student who wishes to be considered for honors must submit the 本课程的结束语. 他或她可能不会把工作带到春天.
  • 高级项目是一系列课程的高潮. 希望成为的学生 considered for honors for a senior project (for example, a film or journalism project) 必须完成至少两门该类型的预备课程.


Students whose GPA does not qualify them for departmental honors may receive distinction on their papers or projects if that work has merited an A or A+ by the faculty supervisor. Students receiving distinction are required to participate in a coda conference with 导师和另一位教员的阅读者. 获得荣誉的作品将被上传 to Skidmore's institutional repository "Creative Matter" to be preserved 按部门划分.

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